Varnish on Burned Wood
April 2009
Course: Fundamentals of Drawing
Assignment: Final Project
Institution: School of Art, University of Manitoba
Term: Winter 2009

The above work references a story (narrative) that is conveyed through a text that progressively transforms from one language to another. The author of the above work is multi-lingual and is personally connected to most of the cultural references in the work. A narrative is presented to the viewer (audience) which inevitably is fragmented if the viewer is not multi-lingual.
Historically many of these cultures presented above have been colonized. Perhaps the work references the loss of language and culture due to colonization. Is the author turning the tables on the colonizing mono-culture? Is this work about the author who is struggling or coming to terms with his identity of being partially familiar with many cultures but never completely belonging exclusively (fitting in) to a single culture? How does the materials/mediums used in the above work fit in with the over all theme of the work?

Mixed Media
April 2009
Course: Fundamentals of Drawing
Assignment: Final Project
Institution: School of Art, University of Manitoba
Term: Winter 2009

The above work addresses issues of masculinity and gender in a kind of sarcastic/satirical way. Are traditional gender roles just social constructions that need to be challenged or subverted?

The above work again addresses issues of gender. Through out history female nudes have been shown as bathers before or after the act/ritual of washing. This history cycle is disrupted and is given an alternative with a older male nude figure in the act of clipping his toe nails which we presume is after the bath/shower. The over life size figure and multiple view points perhaps is alluding to issues of different social perspectives and interpretations by various individuals. With this large scale the work also relates to the history of the monumental figure.

The above thematic project has dual layers in terms of a map and eye being referenced in the same image. The red lines simultaneously convey blood shot veins in the eye and roads on the map.

A drawing and small containers of ink are placed on top of a guitar amplifier. Vibrations of sound cause small containers filled with coloured ink to shake and move around on the paper of a drawing. Traces of coloured ink are left where the containers have moved and vibrated along the paper.

Digital Print and Suspended Red Gel
April 2002
Course: Fundamentals of Drawing
Assignment: Final Project
Institution: School of Art, University of Manitoba
Term: Winter 2002
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