Friday, January 3, 2025

Assignment 3: Time Based Drawing (Drawing Studio 2 - Winter 2025)

Assignment  3 Description: The Time-Based Drawing assignment must involve traditional drawing materials or traditional drawing processes in relation to one or more of the time based mediums below: 

 -Sound (Student example from 1st year drawing course) -Video -Animation -Book Works (includes flip book as an option) -Performance -Process with Materials -Kinetic Sculpture or Kinetic Installation (Drawing Machine) Student example of Drawing Machine from 2nd year drawing course)

-See other examples of time based drawing by artists and students from previous courses below

Combining some the above medium examples is strongly encouraged and offers the greatest potential for success in the work. As in previous assignments in the course the Time-Based Drawing Assignment emphasizes a hybrid of drawing materials and/or process with the introduction of thematic layers conveyed in a unique and innovative manner. As usual aesthetic (formal visual languages) are to be synthesized with thematic layers (conceptual content) Overall work the work shifts toward thematic performance or process and/or time based work with traditional drawing materials and or drawing processes. What is made becomes secondary to the process.


Purpose: The goal of the assignment is to have students combine traditional materials with more contemporary art methodsMaterial options to select from could include traditional materials such as drawing materials (graphite, conte, and/or oil pastel), paint, various 2-dimensional surfaces (board, and/or paper) in combination with video cameras (cameras could include cellphones or tablets) and/or projections, printed matter, objects (found or crafted), and installation. Students could potentially work as live performer with text, images, and/or audio with traditional drawing materials. 

Potential Subject Matter and Themes:
1)     Dynamics of the gaze, including power relations within the process of interpreting subject matter. Students will be asked to attempt to subvert these dynamics in a process and/or performance work. Students will be encouraged to explore themes of personal identities and/or rituals in the context of blurred or multimedia disciplines with traditional drawing material(s).

2)     Open-ended themes include potential non-linear narratives, identity, metaphors on time, aging, transition, loss, political struggle, and/or cycles. Try not to be too literal with theme but literal thems can be a starting point

3)     There could also be the theme relating to the problem of drawing materiality in the digital era.

4)     Strive to have materials and/or processes that convey fictional or real themes, metaphors, and/or narratives. The body is to be understood as a site of political or social critique. As part of the thematic layers, integration of a cultural critique into the prosthesis could be also be an option in relation to traditional drawing material(s).

5)     Themes not included on list is permitted provided a brief description (1 -2 sentences) is presented to instructor and approved by instructor.

 Start with a basic idea! Do not wait for the perfect idea to start!
Artist Examples of Time-Based Drawing 
(many more are possible - see what you can research!)

Heather Hansen

Rebecca Horn
Pencil Mask


Willian Kentridge
Willian Kentridge's Book Work

Sand Art Examples - Thematically these are weak examples but in terms of ephemeral material, process of material and time-based drawing, these examples offer some interesting ideas:

Examples of Student Work for Time-Based Drawing Assignment: 
Examples from previous Drawing Studio 2 courses:

Example from Video Projects Course: 

Evaluation/Grading Breakdown for Time-Based Assignment 

The Time-Based Drawing assignment will be broken down in terms of the following:

Layers of Concepts/Themes                                                            20%

Formal/Visual Language/Technical Skill                                          75%
Synthesis of the concepts/intention with formal/visual language      5%

Time-Based Drawing
As part of the process the person while intermittently rotating the drawing 
they would repeatedly  trace/draw the cast shadow from stick sculpture. Very good idea just needed to be taken further!


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