Thursday, January 2, 2020

Assignment 1: 21 Items/Elements - Exterior Assignment from Imagination (Drawing Studio 2 Assignment)

Assignment Summary:
This assignment is about doing a drawing (18 x 24 inches minimum)  involving a landscape that includes a narrative or metaphorical narrative depicting the list of elements (listed below) from your imagination.

Subject Matter (Thematic Content):
The drawing can be as realistic or surreal as people wish, provided the work presents a narrative with layered thematic content that is unique. Consider details, specific characteristics and contexts for each item/element to make your narrative unique. (See list of 21 elements below for more details regarding required subject matter)

Innovation within Assignment Parameters:
As usual this assignment has specific parameters and requires people demonstrate the ability to be innovative and unique within those specific parameters.

Use of Art Materials (Formal Visual Language):
Avoid having the work look like it was filled in like a colouring book. Layer the art materials and consider mark making along with the physicality of the drawing materials.

Assignment Examples by Students:
The examples below do not address all the objectives of the assignment but are very good examples to consider as influences. As in all assignments the goal is to have an original, unique and ambitious work when completing the objectives of the assignment.

Required List of 21 Elements:
Out of the list below you are required to depict the following 21 elements into you work:

 1) House with one window that allows the viewer to see inside the house.

 2) Cityscape or mountain range on the horizon in the background to suggest deep space in the picture. (consider this subject matter to be low in colour contrast and have soft edges - Formal Criteria)

 3) Sculpture

 4) Person riding their bike, skateboard, or rollerblading

 5) Road

 6) Fence

 7) Shed or outhouse with entrance open allowing the viewer to see inside

 8) Two people inside or outside who own/rent the house (these two people are in addition to the person riding their bike, skateboard or rollerblading)

 9) Car

 10) Boat, kayak or canoe

 11) Flowers

 12) 6 birds

 13) Experimental Performance artist:
      - Historical Performance Artist such as Carolee Schneemann or Chris Burden
      - Current Performance Artist could be such as Nick Cave or Clifford Owens
      - Create Your own Performance Artist (perhaps it is a secret self-portrait as a performance artist,   or not)  

 14) Clothes line with clothes that signify the couple that are living in the house.

 15) Garbage can and recycling container

 16) Grass

 17) River or stream

 18) Tree

 19) Bill board

 20) Lawn furniture

 21) Tunnel entrance in the landscape that connects to road (Probably in middle ground - another Formal Characteristic)

Check course syllabus for due date of this assignment.

Assignment Examples:
(Repeated Text) Once again the examples below do not address all the objectives of the assignment but are very good examples to consider as influences. As in all assignments the goal is to have an original, unique and ambitious work when completing the objectives (Formal and Thematic Characteristics) of the assignment.

chalk pastel, coloured pencil & watercolour on paper

chalk pastel, coloured pencil & watercolour on paper

coloured marker, chalk pastel, coloured pencil & watercolour on paper
oil pastel 

oil pastel & oil stick on paper
winter 2020

coloured pencil & watercolour on paper
winter 2020
coloured pencil & watercolour on paper
winter 2020

coloured pencil, chalk pastel, oil pastel & watercolour on paper
winter 2020


How is the Assignment Graded?

The information below will also will be used to evaluate the assignment. 

21 Items project – comments to consider as the work is developed and completed
Many of these ideas below were discussed in class for this project (and for other assignments). 

Consider the information below as a guide when developing and finishing the assignment.

1     1)    Be specific as possible about those chosen items (the subject matter) in terms of detail that you feel is important or should be emphasized.  The work does not have to be drawn realistically but the drawing is required to convey ideas and or narratives about specific subject matter. (Thematic)

2     2)    Try to depict items in a way which are unusual or in a way that has not been seen before. (Formal and Thematic)

3     3)    Some items should be very large in size – begin to play around with scale and space within the work and some items will be smaller. (Formal)

4     4)    Have some of the items overlap and interact formally (visually) and also consider how the items overlap and interact as part of the narrative.  (Formal and Thematic)

5     5)   Using colour which includes pure colour and mixing of colour along with some potential tinting of colour. Keep the mixture and use of black with colour to a minimum. Avoid pure white or black instead use tints and or shades where people may mix black and white to shift colours/hues in the colour wheel. (Formal)

6     6)    Consider where will there be subject matter which is low in colour contrast and where will there be some examples of subject matter which is higher in colour contrast. (this strategic use in the progressions of colour contrast could also have effect in terms of which part of the narrative is emphasized and how the progression of space is emphasized)  (Connecting Formal Visual Language with Thematic Content)

7     7)    Consider different types of art materials and the variety of characteristics these materials offer.  Overall layer the art materials and consider mark making along with the physicality of the drawing materials. (Formal)
      Potential characters to utilize with art materials include:
-       - Opaqueness and transparency of art materials when applied in layers
-       - Thick applications of materials (multiple layers of materials)
-       - Rough textured applications of materials
-       - Smooth application of art materials
-       - Sometimes the art materials will be used with intentional precision and control
-       - Sometimes the materials will be used with convincing intentions of expression and intuition (rough or messy with convincing intentions)
      -Use materials that will occasionally allow you to cover, edit and or revise areas in the work. Overall strive to layer the drawing materials with the goal to have a physicality or thickness of Drawing Materials on drawing surface. 

Evaluation/Grading Breakdown for 21 Items/Elements Assignment 

Unless otherwise indicated* each assignment will be broken down in terms of the following:

Layers of Concepts/Themes                                                            20%

Formal/Visual Language/Technical Skill                                          75%
Synthesis of the concepts/intention with formal/visual language      5%

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